News 2023
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News 2023

Leinfelden-Echterdingen / Mannheim – Within three years, Lyst-Reisen from Zellingen in Franconia has purchased 34 Mercedes-Benz Citaros. At the end of June, Sinisa Ristic of Mercedes-Benz Buses Sales recently presented ten Citaro buses to Stefan Lyding and Junior manager Marcel Lyding, the management of Lyst-Reisen, at the bus plant in Mannheim. The order comprises five Citaro articulated buses and five Citaro hybrid solo vehicles.

The bus company Lyst is focusing on reliability and equipment variety in modernising its fleet. In this way, the company always earmarks individually equipped vehicles for the line operations. All new Mercedes-Benz Citaro buses are fully air-conditioned, camera-monitored and stand out due their rich modern interior design with high-quality passenger information systems. A comfortably equipped driver’s workplace with a protective driver’s door and high safety glass panes is also part of the safety package, as are Sideguard Assist and the entry lighting on the doors.

Since 1989, Lyst-Reisen has been serving routes in the Würzburg and Fürth regions and organising national and international bus trips. The fleet comprises around 100 buses.

March 16, 2023