Our MB oil products are specially blended to achieve the best quality product for our engines and transmissions. The designers’ detailed knowledge for Mercedes-Benz Bus engines and transmissions, is factored into the production procedure, resulting into an oil that completely meets and exceeds all requirements of a Mercedes-Benz Bus. Our oil performs other important tasks too, such as the cooling of heat-stressed parts and corrosion protection, all working together to ensure that our customers' vehicles get the best out of our oil.

Mercedes-Benz Buses Lubricants
Who better to buy oil from than the experts that built your engine?
Mercedes-Benz Lubricants.
Who better to buy oil from than the experts that built your engine?
Reduced friction for greater performance.
Oil reduces the mechanical friction, and our engine oil is able to cope perfectly with the mechanical and thermal loads. The components and additives, which have been specially selected for it, meet the particular quality standards of a Mercedes-Benz engine, ensuring higher levels of efficiency and performance.
Even when subjected to thermal loads of heat or cold, Mercedes-Benz genuine oil shows no signs of evaporation loss, and maintains flow and lubrication characteristics while remaining 100 percent reliable to lubricate and perform all its other functions.
Lower rate of consumption.
The special quality of Mercedes-Benz genuine engine oil gives you the clear benefit of economic driving. It lets you fully exploit your engine’s potential in different driving conditions while using less fuel.
Reduced emissions.
Working with our state-of-the-art exhaust gas after-treatment systems, our oil also helps to reduce the emission of toxins which are harmful to the environment.