Despite the fact that buses represent one of the safest vehicles and the risk of having an accident is minimum, accidents do still happen. Mercedes-Benz tries to ensure that the consequences of an accident are minor. For example, an important passive-safety feature of the Tourismo models is the durability of the bus chassis. A system of partitions, handrails and the special seat arrangement in the Tourismo absorb the impact energy in cases of a crash or rollover.

Tourismo Euro V
Safety in the event of an accident
In case of an accident.
Following an accident.
Vehicles must not be a threat to people — this is the primary objective that Mercedes-Benz strives for by means of its complex safety concept. It includes all the measures capable of minimising damage from accident. An important part of this process also includes making rescue services familiar with vehicle specifications, as knowledge of the structure and safety systems on-board helps them to assist those involved in an accident more quickly…. and save lives as a result.