Before an accident, valuable seconds slip by in which the danger could possibly still be averted. In the Tourismo, the ESP® and BAS sensors detect critical driving situations such as strong oversteer or understeer, critical steering movements, panic and emergency braking at an early stage.

In the event of danger
All-round safety.
Increased driving safety is also offered by the directional stability of the chassis and the calm steering. This is achieved by the independent suspension on the front axle.
Active Brake Assist 6.
The emergency braking system ABA 6 assists the driver by automatically initiating emergency braking if there is a risk of rear-impact collision with vehicles in front or stationary obstacles. It also detects moving or stationary persons and cyclists in front of the vehicle. The system reacts to this with an acoustic and visual warning to the driver as well as an automatically initiated partial braking or emergency braking.
With Active Brake Assist 6, accidents can be avoided even more reliably. The system covers the entire vehicle speed range and is active in the background. Up to a speed of 60 km/h, pedestrians and cyclists can react. The ABA 6 safety system reacts to crossing and oncoming pedestrians and moving cyclists in the vehicle’s own lane with automatic emergency braking. This automation also provides increased safety for cyclists, whether in intercity or urban traffic.
Electronic Stability Program (ESP®).
The Electronic Stability Program (ESP®) is an active system for increasing driving safety and driving stability. It makes a noticeable contribution to reducing the risk of skidding during cornering or evasive manoeuvres. This is achieved by specifically controlling the braking forces on each individual wheel in situations where the driving dynamics are critical, for example, if the bus is driven at the limit when cornering. At the same time the engine output is reduced. A possible "breaking-loose" of the bus is thereby prevented by the finely metered braking - within the limits of the physical possibilities. ESP® monitors, among other things, the lateral acceleration of the bus. If, on long bends – such as motorway exits – or during rapid lane changes, the bus reaches a critical driving situation, the vehicle speed is automatically reduced until driving stability is achieved again.